Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Ega ma ei tulnud siia, Inglismaale, et vägivalda näha.
 On esimene õhtu ja juba üks poiss lõi enda tüdruksõpra näkku ja ise pani jooksu. Nüüd tuli välja, et see tüdruk elab siin samas korter majas.
 Sellele poisile tahaks täiega virutada ja teha nii, et ta ei ärkaks enam!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm going to miss everybody but unfortunately... it's time to go

 Mõtlesin, et kirjutaksin ka nüüd siia ise. Koguaeg olen teistel lastnud kirjutada... kuna ma ise pole viitsinud.  Valmistan rõõmu teile ( kui see teid üldse rõõmustab nvm ).
 Pmst. Reedese päeva alguse kohta saite juba infot, nüüd ma räägiks reedesest edasi.
 Saadsin Kristel bussi peale, ja ise suundusin ette alevisse, käisin säästu 1-es ostin Burn-i. Läksin Pasturaadi juurde. Virgo, Garl, Edvin, Vairo olid seal. Mõned minutid hiljem tuli Mauntz sinna. Kõik peale Garl-i läksid Vapperi sünnipäevale... Liikusime Garl-iga vana bussika suunas, järsku kuuleme seljatagant kummivilinaid. Selline tunne oli et auto sõidab otsa kohe, ja me lendasime kohe üle tee.. Tegelikult oli see Tauno rattaga. Ma ehmatasin peaagu surnuks. Naersime selle üle veel umbes 20-30 minutit. Mingi aeg läksime Orgitale kossu pelema. ja ma nsm käisin Konta katusel ronismas ja pildistamas ennast.. Mingi aeg läksin koju
 Hakkasime kuskil kahe ajal Pärnu liikuma. Pidin Merksiga kokku saama. Kurk ültes, et ta oli kodu ära läinud. Proovin Merksile telefonile helistada. kaks tundi üritasin teda kätte saada. Lõpuks ta helistas mulle ja ütles, et oli unustanud enda telefoni teisetuppa mantli taskusse.. Kuna me hakkasime juba väikselt Märjamaale tagasi tulema, ei näinudki ma Merks.. Peame vist jälle msni ja veebikaga leppima :/
 Ärkasin.. Kurk valus ja kuivab. Selline pohmaka tunne. Kusjuures, eile ma ei joonud mitte midagi ( alkoholi u know ).. Haigeks hakkan jääma. see on see kui ma enam salli ei kanna :D Viimase kahe päeva jooksul, pole ma vanematega hästi läbi saanud. Ajavad närvi mind ...
 Juba ülehomme ( teisipäeval ) lähen ma Inglismaale. Õe juurde. Kuigi  hetkel küll mingit tahtmist pole sinna minna. Arvatavasti vaimustus on üle läinud.
 Aga nüüd ma ootan kõne.. ja siis välja ära (:

 Olge tubli.
Rutt (;

Friday, April 15, 2011

Krissu oli siin.

Hellõu my friends´.

Rutt on meil ülimalt laisk ning ei viitsi ise blogida. Ta ähvaras mind, et kui ma ei blogi, siis ta teeb minuga midagi:D
Mdeagi mida siia kirjutada, aga ma siiski üritan:D Olen vaimukas? dno. ilmselt mitte.
Oletame, et keegi ütleb sulle: "TEE NALJA!" Kui sa juhuslikult Kirk ei ole, siis pead enne mõtlema ning tavaliselt isegi parema tahtmise juures nalja ei tule.:D
Tiku ja Taku omavad siiski ära.  Tiku ja Taku parandavad torusid. Tiku paneb Takuga torud kinni.
või siis Tiku ja Taku istuvad pimedas toas. Taku paneb Tiku põlema.

Aga nüüd räägime Rutti päevast. Kool oli totaalne pask. Ta tuli garderoobi ning käed värisesid, sest MENT SÕITIS MÖÖDA sest Rutt tegi you-know-what asja.
Vahepeal läks Rutt koju, sõi banaani ning kavatses magama minna. Ta oli juba vaikselt unemaale minemas ning lammaste lugeminegi oli pooleli, kui JÄRSKU helistas talle Kristel. MINA :D
Kutsusin ta õue ning ei lasknud tal magada.

Nälg nagu ta on (Ja mitte ainult söömise poolelt, tal muud näljad ka aegajalt), tahtis ta sööma minna.
Läksime rahvamajja? ning ostsime friikaid:D Kastet oli niii fucking vähe-.-
Rääkisime maailma asjadest ning ilmselgelt oli tal minust kopp ees:D
Suundusime saastakasse. RUTT, rsk, HOIA EESTIMAA PUHTANA!

Kerge paus ning siis bussikasse, sest bussika tripid on ju kõige paremad. Sõime kommi, jõime starterit ning vaatasime kõiki autosid, sest  tahtsime teada, kes meid vaatavad. Närvitsesime nagu kaks hullu ning  reivisime omaette. Teglt see eelmine lause oli kerge liialdus:D
Aga jaa närvi ajavad sellised- ise sõidavad autoga ning kohe peab passima teisi. :D Ja me märkasime ka seda, et naised ei vaadanud- mehed vaatasid.

Rutt: Kes need 3 tüüpi seal on? 
Kristel: KrampKramp. Need on Valgust: Siim/Eero(dno), Ivo ning Raul.  
Rutt ütles ka veel midagi .

Kristel: Rutt, kuule.. Vaat see Raul eks, rohelises. Ma käisin temaga kunagi samas klassis ning mingi 3. klassis keset kunsti tundi tõusis tüüp püsti ja ütles: Lisett, ma armastan sind!:D:D:D trolololololo.

Siis läksin ma bussi peale ning Rutt läks minema. kalliralli ning Kristel astus bussi. Ostsin omale sõidukaardi ning nüüd lahe olla:D

Seda et, kui ma juba siin olen siis.. MUL ON KA BLOGI.

Olge karvased ning loodame, et liiga pikaks ei läind:D

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sum facts again o:

B - BIRTHDAY: 1 April
C - CRUSHING ON:  noone @ the moment
F - FAVORITE SONG: Deuce - SOAD - Lonely Day
H - HOMETOWN: Märjamaa , Estonia
J - JUGGLE: uh?
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Londonist kuskile mere äärde
O - ONE WISH: That my life wont be complicated
R - REASON TO SMILE:  I'm positive
S - SONG YOU LAST SANG:  Ashade - I love you
V - VEGETABLE(S):  banana
W - WORST HABIT: nail biting or getting really off topic
X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: alla 10
Y - YOYOS ARE: i dont get them
Random Questions
Spell your name without vowels: rtt
Your favorite number: 7
What color do you wear most?: Black, grey, purple
Least favorite color?: purple and black
What are you listening to?: Music
Are you happy with your life right now?: I am .
What is your favorite class in school?: PE, 
When do you start back at school/college?: 2 days
Are you outgoing?: Usually
Favorite pair of shoes?: sneakers
Can you dance?: Not really
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Yes
Can you whistle?: yes
Cross your eyes?:yes
Walk with your toes curled?: yup
Do you believe there is life on other planets: no
Do you believe in miracles?: yes
Do you believe in magic?: no
Love at first sight?: Yes
Do you believe in Santa?: no
Do you know how to swim?: yes
Do you like roller coasters?: kinda
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: eww no
Have you ever been on a plane?: yes
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: yes
Have you ever been to the ocean?:  yes/no
Have you ever painted your nails?: yes
What is the temperature outside?: 5-10C degrees
What radio station do you like to listen to?: sky plus
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: i cant remember
What was the last thing you bought?: Limpsi
What was the last thing on TV you watched?  F1
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Merks :D
Who did you last webcam with?: Merksiga
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: To my doggy
Ever really cried your heart out?: yes
Ever cried yourself to sleep?:  yes.
Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder?: no
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: yes
Do you cry when you get an injury?: no
Do certain songs make you cry?: few
Are you a happy person?: yes! (:
What is your current hair color?: dark brown
What shirt are you wearing?: white shirt
Pants?: gray jeans
Shoes?: Nope
Socks?: yes
Necklaces?: no
Underwear?: yes
Favorite eye color: don’t have 
Short or long hair: not too long
Height: taller 
Stepped in a deep puddle: yes
Laughed so hard you cried: yes
Cried in school: no
Wanted to be a model: no
Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: yes
Seen a dead body: yes
Gone skinny dipping: yes
Pepsi or Coke: coke
Single or Group Dates: single!
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
Meat or Veggies: Veggies
TV or Movie: both?
Guitar or Drums:  drums
Adidas or Nike: don’t care
Italian or Mexican: i want chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: cheerios!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


1 - First Names:
2 - Pseudo(s)?
What are pseudo(s)?
3 - Girl or boy?
4 - Towns? (Birthplace and living town)
i was born in Rapla, but i live in Märjamaa
5 - Size?
6 - Age?
7 - Colour of hair?
dark brown, natural color is light brown.
8 - Colour of the eyes?
9 - Employment / current occupation?
studying @ school
10- Astrological and Chinese sign:
Aires / Jäär . i was born in dog year / koera-aastal noh11 - I like/love?
~ The Internet
~ My family
~ Travelling the world

12 - I don't like?
 Arrogant people
 Black clouds and rain
 People who think they are 'it' and look down on others.
 Star Trek
tomato juice
 People who talk with their mouth full.
13 - If you can meet one person of your choice, dead or alive, known or not, who would this be?

Michael Jackson and Serj Takin
14 - What do you like to do, generally, during the weekend???
15 - The town/country that you want to visit or even live in?
England. going there ( 19 april - 1 may )
16 - The first thing you do when you come back from school or work?
i open my PC
17 - Style of music or radio that you prefer?
Black metal, death metal, screamo.. i acually listen everything, but i love the hadder stuff. fav radios are sky plus

18 - The most beautiful song, which exists for you?
Duce - Story of a snitch
19 - The singer, or band that you prefer?
The singer I prefer is, Serj Takin
The band I prefer is decue9lives and SOAD
20 - The reality TV show that you prefer?
ghost whispere and ghost lab
21 - The advertising that you prefer?
I like advertising that use animals. They're usually quite good. 
22 - Are you single?
23 - If no, are you happy?
-.24 - if yes, are you happy?
25 - Have you ever known an unhappy love affair?
i dunno!
26 - How many Harlequins' collection (books) do you have?
27 - Have you ever read "NOUS DEUX" (to make the bond with England, "Nous deux" is a tabloid)?
No I haven't.
28 - The magazine that you never miss?
29 - Your book of bedside?
donr have any book..
30 - The novel of which you would have liked to be the author?
em.. ''rome and julia'' !?.
31 - Your society game (or console) favourite?
I had, but my bro sold it.
32 - The dish, which you prefer?
33 - What do you buy when you go to the faire when you are hungry?
Usually a burger, a cheeseburger.
34 - Drink preferred? (Attention the abuse alcohol is dangerous for health)
35 - Colour preferred?
black and purple
36 - Fetish number?
what do u mean by fetish number? but my fav number is 7
37 - The quotation, which you prefer?
38 - Film counterpart, which you prefer?
Oh, I'm not quite sure about that one!
39 - Cult movies?
40 - Preferred series?
'Charmed' is quite good. I enjoy watching that! 
41 - Your more beautiful quality?
42 - Your worst defect?
I smoke, so that's a pretty bad defect.
43 - Your worst nightmare?
never had any
44- The worst shame of your life?
Again, that would have to be smoking. Starting smoking in the first place is my biggest regret.
45 - The most beautiful thing, which one made for you by love?
my sister!
46 - The thing of which you are proudest?
im not proud of anything
47 - A fairy lends his magic wand to you for a wish: what you make?
That i could get all my math test atleast 3..
48 - The first thing you do in the morning?
i open my PC and than i go to bathroom, to wash my teeths and then i do make up
49 - What you think when you are not able to fall asleep the evening?
' fuck, if i dont fall a sleep now, i wont get up in the morning''
50 - What will you bring with you on a desert island?? (5 max)?
~ internet connetion
~ My laptop (if there's a power point there!)
~ My dog, nöpsi
~ few friends
~ lots of food.
51 - If you have to buy a handbook of survive, that would be which?
i wont buy it
52 - Your bedroom take fire (or is flooded, it depends of the place), what do you rescue at first?
My dog. .
53 - Quelle(s) peluche(s) partagent ton lit?
I've never heard these words before. Is it food??
54 - What do you have on the wall of your bedroom???
Kevin Durants poster, and a b'day card which my bro made it for me.
55 - Pets?
my dog - Nöpsi, I had a rabbit, but i past away :/
56 - You with your parents hear to you well?
i hate my mom
57 - With your brother and sister?
I've a brother and a half-sister. i had half-sister and half-brother, but they past away before i was born
58 - Which is the cartoon which you preferred child?
tom and jerry
59 - And now?
'family guy, futurama
60 - Which is the job, which you dreamed to have child
a photographer!
61 - Why the lady is big of her belly?
Probably, she eats too much! and she doesnt exersice
62 - Tell us your more beautiful memory of childhood
when i broke my left shoulder bone
63 - Were you already scandalmonger (to say evil of people behind their back)?
64 - You have the possibility of saying your four truths to the person whom you hate more in the world, which you would say to him?
~ My age. I never lie about my age
~ What I think of them
~ Why I think the way I do of them
~ How we could rectify the problem.
65 - The insult, which you say more?
66 - The word or expression, which too often returns in your language?
67- Do you speak another language that English?
yes, Estonian, German and russian and also a lil bit other languages like turkish, arabic, finnish
68 - Have you already gone in a foreign country?
Yes I have. I've been to:-
69 - The area (or the place) of England, which you do prefer?
London and dartford
70 - You have the possibility of making the farm celebrity, do it you? So yes which activity would prefer you to make?
I'd love to milk the cows or feed the sheep!
71 - If one day you become hyper famous, in which field you famous you?
I'd like to be famous for being stupid :d!
72 - What you would make if you gained with the lotto?
i would give it to people who fight for animals rights
73 - Where and how do you see you in 2010? In 2040?
2010 - exactly where I am now probably! 2040 - i will be alive
74 - One makes it possible to you to use a "Stargate" (cf Stargate)
75 - The Earth is destroyed. You have time to flee, where you go?
again i dont understand
76 - The Earth will be destroyed. You do not have time to flee. Which is the last thing, which you make?
i talk to my friends
77 - How many children do you want?
atleast 2.
78 - How you call them?
i dunno yet.
79 - With which resemble you?
80 - If you can change a part of your body, which one do you choose?
My butt for sure. I'd slice bits off and make it smaller!
81 - You dye yourself the hair. Which colour you choose?
dark brown, has it is right now
82 - If you can have a tattoo, what?? And Where??
I want a pentagram tattoo, but where? i dunno that
83 - Are you beginning, intermediary or expert when it acts of Internet?
Probably intermediary. I've had internet access for about 6 or 7 years now and really enjoy it. I'm certainly no expert though!
84 - What there is on your carpet of mouse?
i dont use mouse :d
85 - Which is your bottom of screen on your ordi?
Sorry? Nothing, I don't think!
86 - What can we find under your bed (with share the breeding of sheep) ?
well, my bed is like under the ceiling , so u could find under my bed a cupboard and an armchair

87 - How many times a week do you come on Internet? How many hours?
I come on the Internet every day. sometimes under and over 10 hours a day !?
88 - What do you think about the breedings virtual on Internet? (Like kochonland, dadavalley,...) ? Are you registering?
I don't even know what this means, so don't think I'll be registering!
89 - What was your resolution on the new year?
I didnt made  resolutions
90 - Do you do it ?
91 - The best gift that somebody offers to you?
92 - The worst gift that somebody offers to you?
93 - Somebody offer to you a house. You choose an igloo, an Indian tipi, a African box, the same house as your parents, a farm?
 Indian tipi
94 - kilos to be taken?
No idea! You tell me!
95 - kilos to loose?
Lots and lots!
96 - The best teacher do you have?
my 4th grade teacher.
97 - The worst teacher do you have?
my chemic teacher
98 - Dedication this questionnaire with somebody?
Everybody on Ciao!
99 - What do you think of this questionnaire?
it was okey, it dosent matter that i didnt understand some questions
100 - You will advice it? If so, which message you would give?
Never treat people how you wouldn't want to be treated yourself.